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Dueling Zone Casino

Bettor Record

Show Venue(s)

IFL 2007: Week 10
Event Date: - Venue: IFL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
IFL10.4a: Team Fist (-4) vs. Team SHE501:1False000 50
IFL10.5b: Great of Strength (+5) vs. Wrecking Crew1001:1True00200 0
IFL10.3b: Kung Fu Theater (+3) vs. Roshambo501:1True00100 0
Total Bet: 200
Adjusted Total Bet: 200 | Total Winnings: 300 ( a net profit of 100 )

IFL 2007: Week 8
Event Date: - Venue: IFL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
IFL8.5a: Wrecking Crew (+4) vs. Roshambo1001:1True00200 0
IFL8.3a: Champions of Mythos (-3) vs. Kung Fu Theater1001:1True00200 0
IFL8.2a: Great of Strength (+3) vs. Team SHE1001:1False000 100
IFL8.1a: Get Up, Mercury (+6) vs. Badside Brawlers1001:1True00200 0
Total Bet: 400
Adjusted Total Bet: 400 | Total Winnings: 600 ( a net profit of 200 )

IFL 2007: Week 4
Event Date: - Venue: IFL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
IFL4.4a: Champions of Mythos (-4) vs. Wrecking Crew1001:1False000 100
IFL4.3a: Team Fist (-4) vs. Kung Fu Theater1001:1False000 100
IFL4.2b: Great of Strength (+1) vs. Roshambo501:1False000 50
IFL4.1a: Badside Brawlers (-3) vs. Team SHE1001:1True00200 0
Total Bet: 350
Adjusted Total Bet: 350 | Total Winnings: 200 ( a net loss of 150 )

TDL 523 MacKenzie Cup Final
Event Date: - Venue: TDL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
WRC to win MacKenzie Cup1002:1True00300 0
BLS to win MacKenzie Cup503.5:1False000 50
TTW to win MacKenzie Cup506:1False000 50
Total Bet: 200
Adjusted Total Bet: 200 | Total Winnings: 300 ( a net profit of 100 )

Week 14: Why is the Moon? @ Bladesingers
Event Date: - Venue: TDL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
YTM to win1001.1:1True00210 0
Total Bet: 100
Adjusted Total Bet: 100 | Total Winnings: 210 ( a net profit of 110 )

Week 14: The Wringers @ Atrebla
Event Date: - Venue: TDL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
WNG to win502.5:1False000 50
Total Bet: 50
Adjusted Total Bet: 50 | Total Winnings: 0 ( a net loss of 50 )

Week 14: League of Extraordinary Duelists @ Pirates From Heck
Event Date: - Venue: TDL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
LXD to win 4-1501:1False000 50
LXD to win1000.8:1False000 100
Total Bet: 150
Adjusted Total Bet: 150 | Total Winnings: 0 ( a net loss of 150 )

Week 14: Company of the Dragon @ Team Twilight
Event Date: - Venue: TDL
Bet ConditionWagerOddsResultPendingRefundedWinningsLosses
CDR to win1002:1False000 100
Total Bet: 100
Adjusted Total Bet: 100 | Total Winnings: 0 ( a net loss of 100 )

Grand Total Bet: 1550
Grand Total Refunded: 0
Grand Total Pending: 0

Adjusted Grand Total Bet: 1550 (excluding refunded and pending)
Grand Total Winnings: 1610 (original bet + profit) / 860 (just profit)
Grand Total Losses: 800
Overall Profit/Loss: a net profit of 60

Bet Condition: The specific bet being made. For example "Dueler X to win" or "Dueler X to Slash". If Dueler X wins (in the first example) the Bet Condition Result will be reported as true. If Dueler X did not Slash, the Bet Condition Result will be reported as false.

How Odds are used: X:Y where X = payout and Y equals the original bet. If a bet of 10 gold is placed, and the Odds are 0.2:1 (the 0.2 is used as the multiplier), and the result is "true", the profit from a 10 gold bet is 2 gold (10 * 0.2). If a bet of 10 gold is placed and the odds are 2:1 (multiplier is 2), and the result is "true", the profit would be 20 gold (10 * 2).

In the event of a "false" result, the bet amount is lost to the house/sponsor.

In the event of a "void" result, the bet is returned to the bettor as the condition could not be applied. For example, if the condition were "wins 2 duels, but loses 1, in a best-of-three match" and the challenge was settled in a single duel, any conditions that are applicable only to a best-of-three are voided.

Pending: refers to amounts that have been bet, for which the event has not happened, or the results of the event have not yet been entered.

Refunded: refers to bets that were "voided" out because the condition was not applicable. e.g. if a condition read "X to Win 2 straight duels (if best of three)" and the match was fought in a single duel format, the bet would be considered void.

Winnings: refers to the amount won by the bettor for a successful bet. ***Note, this amount includes the bettor's original bet amount. e.g. if a bet were placed for 100, and the odds were 1:1, the winnings would be displayed as 200 (100 as the original stake + 100 as the amount won).

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