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Current Time: Thu, 10/03/2024 @ 03:36 PM ET

Dueling Zone Casino

Event: Rakeesh Sah Tarna vs. Candy Hart for Overlord

Event Details: Notes: Baron Rakeesh has challenged Overlord Candy! For those betting lines where there is an 'if' clause (e.g., if Bo3), if the event meets that condition (e.g., it's fought in the best of three format), then the betting line applies. If the condition is not met (e.g., a single duel is selected as the format), the betting line is voided and the bet is returned.

Bet ConditionOddsResultSponsor
ln1a: Candy elects a 1 duel match 4:1FalseSWD
ln1b: Candy elects a best of 3 match 0.6:1FalseSWD
ln1c: Candy elects to use the test of worthiness 0.4:1TrueSWD
ln2a: Candy's champion prevails, challenge halted (if ToW)3:1FalseSWD
ln3a: Candy -1.75 over Rakeesh (if 1 duel or ToW)1:1FalseSWD
ln3b: Rakeesh +1.75 vs Candy (if 1 duel or ToW) 1:1TrueSWD
ln4a: Challenge completed in 2 duels (if Bo3) 2:1VoidSWD
ln4b: Challenge completed in 3 duels (if Bo3) 0.5:1VoidSWD
ln5a: Candy -3.25 over Rakeesh (if Bo3)1:1VoidSWD
ln5b: Rakeesh +3.25 vs Candy (if Bo3) 1:1VoidSWD

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Bet Condition: The specific bet being made. For example "Dueler X to win" or "Dueler X to Slash". If Dueler X wins (in the first example) the Bet Condition Result will be reported as true. If Dueler X did not Slash, the Bet Condition Result will be reported as false.

How Odds are used: X:Y where X = payout and Y equals the original bet. If a bet of 10 gold is placed, and the Odds are 0.2:1 (the 0.2 is used as the multiplier), and the result is "true", the profit from a 10 gold bet is 2 gold (10 * 0.2). If a bet of 10 gold is placed and the odds are 2:1 (multiplier is 2), and the result is "true", the profit would be 20 gold (10 * 2).

In the event of a "false" result, the bet amount is lost to the house/sponsor.

In the event of a "void" result, the bet is returned to the bettor as the condition could not be applied. For example, if the condition were "wins 2 duels, but loses 1, in a best-of-three match" and the challenge was settled in a single duel, any conditions that are applicable only to a best-of-three are voided.

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